African Grey for sale

The Baby African Grey Parrot for sale is one of the most popular pet birds with an amazing ability to talk. This fabulous bird is not only handsome, but is also an inquisitive, interactive and charming companion. Their personality and intuitive nature will amaze and delight you, and their antics will amuse you to no end. These are very intelligent social creatures, making them an excellent pet for a devoted parrot owner.

African Grey Parrots are sought out as a pet for their good looks and strong speaking ability. Yet talking is just one of the Grey Parrot’s learned skills, they are also great mimics of the sounds in their environment. They can distinguish and mimic the voices of individual people, as well as things like the other birds, the phone ringing, the microwave, and more. Although they can talk and mimic, they are neither overly noisy nor tend to engage in loud shrieking calls like some of the other vocal parrots.

African Grey Behavior

African Grey Parrots are highly intelligent, inquisitive, and love to interact with people and objects. Yet they have a long life span, it can be 50 years (or more) in captivity. Many of the available pets being are only a generation or two away from their wild counterparts. They still have their wild nature intact and can be unpredictable at times. Their many qualities that make them desirable pets also require a special commitment from their keepers of regular one-on-one interaction and on-going training.

The African Grey Parrots make very loyal and devoted companions, but they are not for everyone. Being a caretaker of an African Grey is not easy. They require lots of love, time, patience and effort to build a relationship. Being somewhat shy and cautious by nature, they are reserved with new people and objects. They tend to sit back and watch before giving of themselves freely. They are also are very intuitive to emotions, so are best approached in a calm manner. Once your Grey is comfortable and trusts you, you are on your way to a lifelong friendship.