Blue and Gold Macaw

The Blue and Gold Macaw is very adaptive. Whatever environment they are in, it becomes quite normal for them. If they are around many people, they will accept many people. When well trained and socialized, Blue and Gold Macaws enjoy participating in all sorts of outdoor and public activities with their owners.

Blue and Gold Macaw for Sale,the Blue and Gold Macaw is one of the most beautiful large parrots. This bird makes a great companion for a single person. Although some Macaws are one-person type birds, the Blue and Gold is right at home in a family type situation as well.

On all these Macaws the colors are vibrant, but the Bolivian has more of a true blue rather than the teal blue seen in the average Blue and Gold. They all share the same wonderful personality and characteristics.

The Blue and Gold Macaw parrot is a highly adaptable bird. Whatever environment they are in, it becomes fairly normal for them. Blue and Gold Macaws enjoy partaking in a variety of outdoor and public activities with their owners when they are properly taught and socialized. We’ve seen them ride on their owners’ arms to public festivals. One woman took her Macaw to Western line dancing courses on a regular basis. Another woman would take her Blue and Gold horseback riding with her. There are bird leashes available so you can take your feathered friend wherever you go, and they just adapt. They ride well in a car on a bird car seat

This is a lively, bouncy bird that loves to play, climb, and interact. They need a couple of hours a day outside a cage to be happy. Blue and Gold Macaw’s are eager learners. They are also one of the best talking of the Macaws and can learn about 15 to 20 words or expressions. But like all Macaws this parrot has a loud call, and it may be quite vocal at times.

The Blue and Gold macaw parrot is one of the most readily available of the large Macaws. They are also one of the least expensive Macaws for sale. But like all Macaws, they do require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets. They bond very closely with their humans. They are very affectionate, and will want your attention

Scarlet Macaw Handling/Training

The Blue and Gold Macaw easily adapts quickly. Once it becomes accustomed to a new environment and its keeper it is then ready to start bird training. Generally though, you should give a new arrival a few days to get use to you, your voice and its cage before trying to handle it. With all parrots, taming and training takes trust and patience. Macaw parrots are very intelligent making them easy to tame. These parrots are also very adept at learning and quick to train. They excel best at learning tricks and small tasks. They are not as inclined to talk and mimic as some of the other parrots, notably the Amazon Parrots, but they can learn a few words or phrases. Blue and Gold can develop a general vocabulary of about 15 or more words or expressions.


A roomy cage is required for Blue and Gold Macaw, at least 2 1/2 by 3 feet. Because Macaws can be quite vocal, be sure the cage is in a room where the amount of noise the neighbors hear is a minimal as possible.Fresh fruit tree branches work well since they can be chewed on, but they must be replaced on a regular basis. Food and water dishes, along with a treat dish work best mounted above the perch at the side of the cage. A variety of toys for playing and chewing should also be provided. 

These Macaws require two to three hours daily of outside time. A play pen top is fantastic, but the Macaws’ cage is still their territory. It is preferable to communicate with this macaw while perched on a sturdy object far from the macaw cage. This is best accomplished with a separate, free-standing playpen. Sometimes they will get down and just walk around looking for you. But usually once they hear you they will walk directly toward you. Many birds can spend most of their time on a playpen or parrot perch

Care and Feeding

There are name brand commercially prepared seed or pellet mixes for the Macaw. They can also eat anything nutritious that you eat and these foods should be offered. Most parrots enjoy eating with their family. They eat protein in the wild and they do like chicken. Avocado and chocolate are toxic to parrots.

They require bathing to keep their feathers from drying out. Blue and Gold Macaws are used to a humid climate and without bathing their feathers will dry out and become itchy causing them to chew on them. You can spray them down with room temperature tap water or a commercial bird bath. Many owners just take their Macaw into the shower with them. They make shower perches for Macaws.

Speech and Vocalizations of Blue and Gold Macaws

Blue and gold macaws are capable of ear-shattering calls, which are usually not appreciated by close neighbors. They are not the best choice for those who live in apartments and condominiums or if you have small children who are startled by noise.

This bird is a great talker; it can learn quickly and aims to please. Training is relatively simple as long as you are consistent. They can learn a vocabulary of around 20 words and phrases. Given the clarity of their voice, many people consider them one of the best talking parrots.


Their sociability and even, sweet disposition makes blue and gold macaws a great pet. Their intelligence, willingness to learn, and talking ability are a plus.

When allowed to socialize with a variety of people, blue and golds do very well adapting to different people and other birds. The blue and gold is a fantastic bird for tricks. They’re a popular headliner at bird shows, and many owners may even take them out around town with the help of bird leashes and car seats.